aku n akaun :)
assalamualaikum.....to all shadow readers...nape shadow???well...sbb x denye yg nk bace....hnye byang ku jek yg bace...huhuhu...x-pe la...ade ku kesa????huhuhu..well...saje nk update this blog yg da berabok thap pe ntah...tpi brabok sgt la..as the title above...ak, akaun dan bisnes...sebot pasl akaun...HAHAHAHAHA...btol la kate org...jgn bnci something...nnty kite jatuh cnte kat dy plak...ok...starting from today...ummul is working hard for not to hate anyone or anything....nnty len plak jdiknye..kukukuku...mmng btol ak da jatuh cnte ngn bnde yg ak anti satu ketike dhulu...da mmng da x bole pisah dah....even abe2 ngn akak2 korporat yg join taekwondo punyela ugut aku sowh tuko kos.......its all about intermediate accounting yg deme kate susoh tahap gaban tu le......tpi nkwat cmne bile hati da tertarik sume bnde tolak tepi...kuikuikui...lgy satu pasl ak ttap pndirian neh...because i will become an entrepreneur one day!!koya ummul...tpi..plix la aminkan yeeee...my dream n goals....n akaun with bisnez seem relate to each other...kan3333....ad nye pengetahuan dlm akaun akan mmdahkn keje ku sbg entrepreneur satu hari nnty :)....moreover....tahukah anda bahawasanye kerjaya akaun ni da pon trtulis di dlm Al-Furqan within the longest chapter n the longest verses of the quran which is surah al-baqoroh...ayat 282....bce n hayati sndri..but to summarize..its all about how u manage ur account in the term of liability...loan...all that must be state in a valid document so the both of the parties,creditor n debtor will not forget the debt that they agreed each other....mcm tu la lebey kurang...so for those yg amik accounting..be proud of it.....huhuhu....ckopla madah tok bulan neh...jmpe di bln yg len..(knape bulan??sbbnye saye ni malas sgt nk update..peace!)
wassalam :)...may Allah bless
wassalam :)...may Allah bless
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