success vs failure
"Allah is not fair...why i still cant score in tht subject??"
salah sorang shbat ku mngadu kat ak bru2 nie.....terkejot gak....knape gini...????tu laa...kadng2 kalo nerve da x leh nk brfungsi ngn baik...mcm2 boley jdik...kufur nikmat pon x mustahil gak....tpi lpas tuuu..ak try renung2 kan dn selamat is not Allah fault who not give us da success....kejayaan itu milik Allah...x kire la brape bnyak kite berusahe pon...selagi Allah kate x berjaye..make x brjaye gak...tpi..tu bukan bermaksod Allah sisihkan sebb knape Allah buat cmtu kat kite..cbe renungkan balik...try muhasabah dri..
ad kemungkinan Allah rndukan pengabdian kite kpdNye...pengharapan kite....permohonan kite...malah...tangisan kite pon dirindui jugak....cbe try tnye dri tu balik....cmne hubungn ngn Allah tuu...prnh x mngadu kpdNya.....berserah...tawakal...jgn plak malu nk berserah..Allah x prnh limit kan kuota...doa la sebnyk mne pon....Insya-Allah...yakinla Allah akn perkenankn setiap permintaanmu....lmbt atau cpat je..kan Allah da jnji dlm fimanNya yg bermksod :
" Dan apabila hamba-hamba- ku bertanya kepadamu(Muhammad) tentang Aku, maka
maka sesungguhnya Aku dekat. Aku kabulkan permohonan orang yang berdoa
kepada Ku. Hendaklah mereka itu memenuhi (perintah) Ku dan beriman kpadaKu
agar mereka memperoleh kebenaran." (Al-Baqarah : ayat 186)
Subhanallah...indahnye la janji Allah tuu....Allah x prnh ingkar pda janjiNya...maka yakinlah kepdaNya...x rugi tau...tpi..jgnla just berdoa jek..usaha pon haprak...doa+usaha+tawakal=KEJAYAAN...equation yang paling hbat !!! usaha pon biar la sehabis baik.....ingt...Allah x kn ubah nsib sesuatu kaum tu smpela dye berusaha tok mengubahnye..seperti yg terkndung dalam fimanNya:
"Baginnya(manusia) ada malaikat-malaikat yang menjaganya secara bergiliran, dari depan dan
belakangnya.Mereka menjaganya atas perintah Allah. Sesungguhnya Allah tidak akan mngubah
keadaan sesuatu kaum itu sebelum mereka mengubah keadaan mereka sendiri. Dan apabila
Allah mengkehendaki keburukan terhadap sesuatu kaum, maka tiada yang dpat menolaknya
dan tiada pelindung selain Dia." (surah Ar-Ra'd : ayat 11) la pikiq naaa....Allah itu maha Adil....Dia tidak akan mensia-siakan usaha hambaNya yang selalu bergantung harap kepadaNya....ingt la itu wahai sahabat2 ku...
Failure is not an is actually the other way around...failure leads to success...mankind will never experience the sweetness of success unless he attempts the bitterness of failure first...that is fitrah...just look around you...look at the most influential people in the people especially...all of them experienced a greater degree of failure than u can imagine but still..they never give in...moving forward is the only thing that they did to reach their goals and guess what...they've already hold the goals and secure it...the most nearest example...our prophet Rasulullah S.A.W...just imagine how many times he failed spreading his dakwah towards his many times...many obstacles he need to faced..rejected and humiliated are the main challenges that he faced throughout his entire journey to spread the religion...but...never give up and was the key of his as the result..Islam were spreading all over the world....well moral of the failure no is a norm...and it is the real structure of is like a game..obstacles, challenges are two major threats to keep you away from your goal...that's why sometimes strategy is important...construct your own strategy, build your own companions, work in accordance with the plan and you will taste the sweetness of success...treat failure like your very best will be granted with the most precious and meaningful success...
Take your time to watch this was adapted from a true story...just like the name's all about a journey of a father(will smith) who are facing a lot of failures and obstacles in pursuing a piece of happiness....try to watch it(although it is quiet boring at first~) will motivates you!!Trust me !!!!
salah sorang shbat ku mngadu kat ak bru2 nie.....terkejot gak....knape gini...????tu laa...kadng2 kalo nerve da x leh nk brfungsi ngn baik...mcm2 boley jdik...kufur nikmat pon x mustahil gak....tpi lpas tuuu..ak try renung2 kan dn selamat is not Allah fault who not give us da success....kejayaan itu milik Allah...x kire la brape bnyak kite berusahe pon...selagi Allah kate x berjaye..make x brjaye gak...tpi..tu bukan bermaksod Allah sisihkan sebb knape Allah buat cmtu kat kite..cbe renungkan balik...try muhasabah dri..
ad kemungkinan Allah rndukan pengabdian kite kpdNye...pengharapan kite....permohonan kite...malah...tangisan kite pon dirindui jugak....cbe try tnye dri tu balik....cmne hubungn ngn Allah tuu...prnh x mngadu kpdNya.....berserah...tawakal...jgn plak malu nk berserah..Allah x prnh limit kan kuota...doa la sebnyk mne pon....Insya-Allah...yakinla Allah akn perkenankn setiap permintaanmu....lmbt atau cpat je..kan Allah da jnji dlm fimanNya yg bermksod :
" Dan apabila hamba-hamba- ku bertanya kepadamu(Muhammad) tentang Aku, maka
maka sesungguhnya Aku dekat. Aku kabulkan permohonan orang yang berdoa
kepada Ku. Hendaklah mereka itu memenuhi (perintah) Ku dan beriman kpadaKu
agar mereka memperoleh kebenaran." (Al-Baqarah : ayat 186)
Subhanallah...indahnye la janji Allah tuu....Allah x prnh ingkar pda janjiNya...maka yakinlah kepdaNya...x rugi tau...tpi..jgnla just berdoa jek..usaha pon haprak...doa+usaha+tawakal=KEJAYAAN...equation yang paling hbat !!! usaha pon biar la sehabis baik.....ingt...Allah x kn ubah nsib sesuatu kaum tu smpela dye berusaha tok mengubahnye..seperti yg terkndung dalam fimanNya:
"Baginnya(manusia) ada malaikat-malaikat yang menjaganya secara bergiliran, dari depan dan
belakangnya.Mereka menjaganya atas perintah Allah. Sesungguhnya Allah tidak akan mngubah
keadaan sesuatu kaum itu sebelum mereka mengubah keadaan mereka sendiri. Dan apabila
Allah mengkehendaki keburukan terhadap sesuatu kaum, maka tiada yang dpat menolaknya
dan tiada pelindung selain Dia." (surah Ar-Ra'd : ayat 11) la pikiq naaa....Allah itu maha Adil....Dia tidak akan mensia-siakan usaha hambaNya yang selalu bergantung harap kepadaNya....ingt la itu wahai sahabat2 ku...
Failure is not an is actually the other way around...failure leads to success...mankind will never experience the sweetness of success unless he attempts the bitterness of failure first...that is fitrah...just look around you...look at the most influential people in the people especially...all of them experienced a greater degree of failure than u can imagine but still..they never give in...moving forward is the only thing that they did to reach their goals and guess what...they've already hold the goals and secure it...the most nearest example...our prophet Rasulullah S.A.W...just imagine how many times he failed spreading his dakwah towards his many times...many obstacles he need to faced..rejected and humiliated are the main challenges that he faced throughout his entire journey to spread the religion...but...never give up and was the key of his as the result..Islam were spreading all over the world....well moral of the failure no is a norm...and it is the real structure of is like a game..obstacles, challenges are two major threats to keep you away from your goal...that's why sometimes strategy is important...construct your own strategy, build your own companions, work in accordance with the plan and you will taste the sweetness of success...treat failure like your very best will be granted with the most precious and meaningful success...
Take your time to watch this was adapted from a true story...just like the name's all about a journey of a father(will smith) who are facing a lot of failures and obstacles in pursuing a piece of happiness....try to watch it(although it is quiet boring at first~) will motivates you!!Trust me !!!!
if there are a lot of grammar mistake...soooorrryyyy....